On page 50 in the 2024 Shoot Book, the PH#, Contact & Email Address for Kamloops Shotgun Sports is incorrect and should be as follows:
Kamloops Shotgun Sports : Phone: (250) 372-5553 Contact: Val Morrow valeriejmorrow@gmail.com Address: 2100 Lac Le Jeune Rd, Kamloops, BC V1S 1Z2 Website: https://www.kamloopsshotgunsports.com/
We are pleased to announce that CNSCA’s Shoot Book is returning for the 2024 shooting season. The book has been out of circulation since 2019 and many clubs and shooters have missed it greatly. With that being said, we are selling advertising spots to clubs, companies and Provincial Associations that would like to buy either a Full Page, 1/2 Page or 1/3 page. Prices are: Full Page $200 this also includes free advertising on the CNSCA website 1/2 Page $100 this also includes free advertising on the CNSCA website 1/3 Page $75 this also includes free advertising on the CNSCA website Clubs are encouraged to buy a full or 1/2 page to showcase their shoot posters. WESTERN’S, EASTERN’S & NATIONALS will be promoted in the book for free. All CNSCA registered shoot dates will be listed for free in the main calendar, as well as non-registered shoot dates. NSCA shoot dates will not be listed in the calendar. Please provide your clubs contact persons name/email address and PH# (Incase shooters need to contact them for directions or questions) Payment can be made by EFT’s emailed to treasurer@cnsca.ca or cheques may be mailed to: CNSCA PO Box 63210 Wapiti Centre Grande Prairie, AB T8W 0G2 All files must be in a pdf or jpeg format. All posters, shoot dates and payments must be emailed in to treasurer@cnsca.ca by Feb 28th. Late shoot dates or posters will not be entered. If you have any questions, please email Candis Endresen at treasurer@cnsca.ca. Thank you very much and have a GREAT SHOOTING YEAR EVERYONE!!!
More enhancements to Leaderboard!
1. Shooters can now select the shoot they are interested in from the CNSCA calendar, review the details of the shoot, and register for the shoot directly with the club.
When loading a new shoot, scoring administrators can now input a contact email for shooters to register directly with the club.
CNSCA used to collect those registrations and then have to monitor them and then send them to the club. Now the club gets the contact info immediately and can liaise directly with the shooter. Faster and more efficient.
2. Shooter head count is now located at the top of the shooter list. No need to scroll down to see how many are registered.
3. If a club has more than one different event on the same day, they can now enter more than one. This is handy where some events are combined where you want to account for the scores separately.
For example, the Western Regionals were combined with the Grand Prix, and Courtenay is hosting the BCSCA Provincials and the Vancouver Island League Championship the same weekend. Instead of trying to load all the different combinations of events on one Leaderboard screen, they can now be separated into separate events by loading separate shoots for easier review and award calculations.
We’re not done yet. We’re continuing to make Leaderboard more user friendly and effective. We’d love to see more clubs using this as their “go to” site for registration and score keeping whether the shoot is a registered shoot or simply a club league shoot.