Assiniboine Valley Sporting Clays
Austin and Area Wildlife
Beaverhill Sporting Clays, Tofield
Blackmores Shooting Sports
Brandon Gun Club
Brokenhead River Game and Fish Range
Central Okanagan Shotgun Sports
CNSCA Treasurer
Courtenay and District Fish and Game
Cowichan Valley Trap & Skeet Club
Crowsnest Sporting Clays, Coleman
Dawson Creek
Delta Waterfowl
Fox Harbr Resort, Wallace NS
Fredericton Trap and Skeet Club
Galt Sportsmans Club
Gold River Rod & Gun Club
Golden District Rod and Gun Club, Golden
Hanley Sporting Grounds, Hanley
Hidden Ridge Sporting Clays, Lloydminster
Hodgeville Sporting Clays
Huron Fish and Game
Kamloops Shotgun Sports, Kamloops
Kingston and District Trap Skeet and Sporting Clays Club
La roue du Roy
Lake Windermere Rod and Gun Club, Radium Hot Springs
Lambton Sportsmans Club
Lethbridge Fish and Game Association Range, Lethbridge
Mackenzie Fish and Game Association, Mackenzie
Medicine Hat Clay Target Center
Melfort Gun Range
Monte Lake OLC, Westwold
Montreal Anglers and Hunters
Montreal Skeet Club
Moonlight Bay Sporting Club
Mossleigh Gun Club, Mossleigh
Nipawin Gun Club
North Peace Rod and Gun Club, Fort St. John
North Thompson Fish and Game
Off the Grid True Bird Challenge
Oshawa Skeet and Gun Club
Parksville Qualicum Fish & Game
Prince George Rod and Gun Club, Prince George
Regina Trap and Skeet Club
Regina Wildlife Feb.
Saskatoon Gun Club, Saskatoon
Scandinavia Sporting Clays
Shepard Gun Club
Shot Shell Sporting Clays, Valleyview
Silver Willow Sporting Clays, Carstairs
Slave Lake Rod and Gun Club, Slave Lake
South Cariboo Sportsman Association, Cache Creek
St Hubertus Fish and Game Association
Vancouver Gun Club, Vancouver
Victoria Fish and Game
Wapiti Shooters Club, Grande Prairie
Williams Lake Sportsmen’s Association, Williams Lake
Winnipeg Trap and Skeet Club
Young Husbands Lodge